Working whilst studying: The key to success

Sunday, 11 March 2018

Working whilst studying: The key to success

If you’re planning on working full time or even part time while studying, you may find it hard to keep on top of your tasks. Don’t let one take over the other and follow these simple steps to keep you organised and on track towards achieving your goals. 

  1. Plan, plan, plan! Get a diary or organiser and spend some time marking important dates out. This may seem like a time wasting task but you will reap the rewards later on. Our minds can become so bogged down when we are under pressure that even the simplest of tasks can be forgotten. Include your exam dates, meeting at work, scheduled holidays or annual leave, family events, training days or any other event planned in advance.
  2. Look at all your assignments and work deadlines carefully. Are there any notes, pre requirements or draft copies that need to be submitted? Make a note of this in your diary or Google Docs account and set a reminder on your phone before the date.
  3. Schedule study time. If you will also be working while you study, it may be tempting to want to have a break or go out – which is fine, but you need to schedule sufficient studying time each week so that you don’t fall behind.
  4. Be disciplined. You won’t be studying forever but your career will improve after the course.  If you have set out to study, do that.
  5. Take regular breaks. These breaks can be scheduled so that you know how much time you’re spending away from studying. You should also take short breaks when you start to feel tired.
  6. Go for a walk, get some fresh air. This can help improve your concentration.
  7. Eat healthily. If you fill your body with junk, you will be tired and not able to function properly, especially during exam times. Prepare healthy meals including plenty of vegetables, fruit and vegetables.
  8. Get enough sleep. Go to bed early and stay off the internet and phones. Read before bed if you can’t get to sleep.  
  9. Find the perfect study place - somewhere that you won’t be disturbed too much and also a place you feel comfortable in. This could be your bedroom, a library, a park…
  10. Don’t ignore problems. If you’ve had a family or work emergency and you’re going to struggle to meet a deadline, let your course tutor know. They will understand and will help you get through your work.

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