Local Anaesthetics for Dental Hygienists and Therapists

Local Anaesthetics for Dental Hygienists and Therapists

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Local Anaesthetics for Dental Hygienists and Therapists

This half day programme of study is designed to update and inform Hygienists and Therapists on the current trends and techniques in Local Anaesthetics appropriate to their scope of practice, with an opportunity to practice delivery techniques in a simulated environment.-Hands on

  • Explore a brief history of local anaesthetics
  • Review GDC scope of practice
  • Review legal matters surrounding Local Anaesthetics
  • Review pharmacology of local anaesthetics including relations to patient medical history
  • Discover current trends and techniques in local anaesthetics delivery
  • Discuss the reasons for failure to achieve effective anaesthesia
  • Hands -on Practice techniques in simulated environment.

This is designed as a half day programme of face to face study and will carry 4 VCPD (category C & D)

Local Anaesthetics for Dental Hygienists and Therapists

Delegates must be :

  • GDC Registered Dental Hygienist or Therapists
  • Non GDC Registered Hygienists can join this course  and will receive a Certificate of Attendance

Competence Package for overseas qualified hygienist therapists.

If LA is one of the stated learning outcomes from the GDC, you could be a candidate for The LA workshop and Competency Package. Please click on our Competence Package for more information. Competency Package

Portfolio Logs

Portfolio competence logs are available to purchase at £100. These are for hygienist therapists who take the workshop course and want to follow up with a portfolio and have assessed by Lisa. There is no additional theoretical training sessions and are quite different from the Competency Package that is needed for GDC learning outcomes for overseas trained hygienists 

Local Anaesthetics for Dental Hygienists and Therapists


  • Wednesday 20th March 24  3:00pm - 7:00pm Held in Training Centre
  • Wednesday 12th June 24 3:00pm - 7:00pm Held in Training Centre
  • Wednesday 25th September 3:00pm - 7:00pm Held in Training Centre

Local Anaesthetics for Dental Hygienists and Therapists

Face to Face teaching session 

Lisa qualified as a Dental Hygienist in 1990 from Leeds University. She has worked in all areas of Dental Practice since then, including NHS, Private, Research, Forensics and Education. As a result, Lisa has had a wealth of experience over almost 30 years. She is a member of the Higher Education Academy having attained her PG Diploma in Medical Education 2 years ago and graduated in 2019 with a Masters. Lisa has delivered postgraduate training for Hygienists, Therapists and Dental Nurses for over 20 years and currently is a lecturer with Cardiff University and is a current examiner with NEBDN.

Another passion of Lisa’s is forensics and she is an associate member of the British Association of Forensic Dentistry (BAFO) and was part of the team of Odontology during the arduous and somewhat humbling task of identifications post Grenfell Tower disaster 2017. She has also been involved in acting as an expert witness for the courts on behalf of Dental Protection in a crown court case.

Lifelong study is essential to the growth of any industry and Lisa is continuing her work in the further development of Dental Nurse training and postgraduate studies for all DCPs.

Lisa has a commission with the RAF air cadets, a progressive militarised youth organisation. She is also involved with target shooting at Bisley shooting ground and is currently one of the Chief Range Officers for the NRA.

Local Anaesthetics for Dental Hygienists and Therapists

Local Anaesthetics for Dental Hygienists and Therapists


£75.00 (payable on booking)

Local Anaesthetics and Pain Management  Course Fee: £175.00

Deposit of £75.00 payable on booking.

Remaining course fee payable thereafter.


All course material

Hot and Cold refreshments


A non-refundable deposit will secure your course place.

The remainder of the course fee is due before the course day and will be invoiced.

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